Vegan tonkmor



If you're not journaling, you should be. Journalling has a litany of mental health benefits that can improve your life in ways you never thought possible. Not to mention, it's nice to keep a written record of your emotions and thoughts - especially if you're prone to forgetting things! In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of journaling and the 13 best journals that are available on the market today. We'll also give you a few reasons why each journal would be a great purchase for you or someone else in your life!

Journaling has been shown to provide a number of mental health benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and promoting self-awareness. In fact, one study even found that journaling can help reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. If you're looking for a way to improve your mental health, journaling is a great place to start!

Below we have put together the 13 best journals 


1. The Five Minute Journal


This journal is perfect for busy people who want to journal but don't have a lot of time. The journal prompts are quick and easy to answer, making it a great option for those on the go.

2. The Happiness Planner


This Journal is designed to help you focus on the positive things in your life. The journal prompts help you set goals and track your progress, making it a great tool for anyone who wants to make lasting changes in their life.

3. The Gratitude Journal


 This journal is perfect for anyone who wants to focus on the things they're grateful for. The journal prompts help you reflect on what you're thankful for each day, making it a great way to start your day on a positive note.

4. The Mindfulness Journal


This journal is perfect for anyone who wants to focus on being more present in their life. The journal prompts help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, making it a great tool for those who want to reduce stress and anxiety.

5. The Journal


This journal is perfect for anyone who wants to journal but doesn't want to spend a lot of money. The journal is simple and straightforward, making it a great option for those on a budget.

6. The Travel journal


 This journal is perfect for anyone who loves to travel. The journal prompts help you reflect on your travels and the things you've seen and experienced, making it a great way to remember your adventures.

7. The Bullet journal


This journal is perfect for anyone who likes to plan and organize their life. The journal prompts help you keep track of your to-do lists, appointments, and goals, making it a great option for those who like to be prepared.

8. The Art journal


 This journal is perfect for anyone who loves to express themselves creatively. The journal prompts help you document your creative journey, making it a great way to keep track of your art progress.

9. The 100-Day journal


 This journal is perfect for anyone who wants to commit to journaling for 100 days. The journal prompts help you reflect on your journey and the things you've learned, making it a great way to Motivate yourself to journal every day.

10. The 365-Day journal


This journal is perfect for anyone who wants to journal every day for a year. The journal prompts help you reflect on your journey and the things you've learned, making it a great way to track your progress.

11. The Food journal


This journal is perfect for anyone who loves to cook or eat. The journal prompts help you document your meals and the things you've cooked, making it a great way to remember your culinary adventures. 

12. The Fitness journal


 This journal is perfect for anyone who loves to exercise. The journal prompts help you document your workout routine and the progress you've made, making it a great way to stay motivated and on track.

13. The Pregnancy journal


 This journal is perfect for anyone who is pregnant. The journal prompts help you document your pregnancy journey, making it a great way to remember the experience.

Journaling technique: What is scripting

For anyone who has ever had a dream, journaling can be a great way to manifest that dream into reality. Scripting is a journaling technique in which you write out your dream as if it has already happened. This helps to program your mind for success and creates a roadmap for you to follow.

Journaling should be done daily, and each entry should focus on one specific goal. By writing about your dream in the present tense and using affirmative language, you can begin to make your dream a reality. journaling is a powerful tool that can help you to achieve anything you desire. So what are you waiting for? Grab a pen and start writing!

How often to Journal for it be effective

If you're looking for a way to improve your mental health, journaling might be the answer. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to journaling, most experts recommend writing for at least 15 minutes a day. This can be done daily, weekly, or even monthly - the important thing is to be consistent. journaling has been shown to have numerous benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, and increasing self-awareness.

Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey, journal every day as part of their morning routine. She credits journaling with helping her to become the woman she is today. "It has helped me to know myself better," she says.

What to write about in the Journal? 

One of the great things about journaling is that you can write about whatever you want- there are no rules! However, if you're new to journaling and feeling stuck on what to write about, here are some ideas to get you started:

-Record your daily thoughts and observations. What did you notice on your walk to work? How do you feel today? What made you smile?
-Write about your goals and ambitions. What do you hope to achieve in the next year? The next 5 years?
-Use your journal as a place to vent. Let all your pent-up frustration out on the page!
-Track your moods and emotions. How do you feel when you're happy? Sad? Anxious? Angry?
-And finally, don't forget to have fun with it! Write goofy stories, make up characters, and just enjoy the process of journaling.

Journals Vs Diaries 

A journal and a diary are both records of events, thoughts, and feelings, but there is a key difference between the two. A journal is typically more focused on the writer's thoughts and feelings about what has happened, while a diary is more of a record of events that have taken place.

This means that a journal can be used as a tool for reflection and self-discovery, while a diary can be used to simply keep track of what has happened. Of course, there is no hard and fast rule about what each type of document should contain, and many people use both diaries and journals interchangeably. Ultimately, the biggest difference between the two is how you choose to use them.

What to consider when looking for a journal? 

Journals come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few key things to look for when choosing one that's right for you. First, consider the journal's size. If you're looking for something to throw in your purse or backpack, a smaller journal may be a better option.

However, if you want plenty of space to write, a larger journal may be more your style. Second, take a look at the journal's cover. Is it made of sturdy material that will stand up to wear and tear? Or is it more delicate, better suited for display on a bookshelf? Third, think about the journal's binding.

 If you plan on writing frequently, you'll want a journal with a binding that won't fall apart after just a few uses. Finally, take a look at the journal's pages. Are they lined or blank? If you prefer to write in straight lines, choose a journal with lined pages. However, if you like more freedom when it comes to layout, opt for a journal with blank pages. By taking all of these factors into account, you're sure to find the perfect journal for your needs.

You have just learned all about why journaling is important and what the 13 best journals are!