Vegan tonkmor
Millionaire morning routine

How do millionaires get ahead in the business world? It certainly isn't by sleeping in and lounging around all day! Many of them have very specific morning routines that help them skyrocket their productivity. If you want to be successful, you need to start implementing some of these millionaire morning routines into your own life. We're going to share with you seven different routines that have been proven to work. So what are you waiting for? 

 I have seen an incredible improvement in how productive I am during the day after following these steps. Starting the day well-equipped can change the entire course of your day and in turn, change the course of your life.  

Below we have put together the top 7 millionaire morning routines that will chane your life!


1. Keep Your Phone Out Of The Bedroom at Night  (Use a Seperate Alarm  Clock)


This may seem like a small thing, but it can make a big difference in your productivity levels. If you're keeping your phone in your bedroom, chances are you're going to check it first thing in the morning and get sidetracked from your day. Instead, keep your phone in another room and use a separate alarm clock. This way, you'll be less tempted to check your email or social media first thing in the morning, and you can focus on getting your day started.

With the intense and rapid rise of social media, there have been studies that show that what we consume right before bed can affect our sleep. We have to be careful with the content we are allowing our subconscious brain to absorb especially first thing in the morning because my goodness this can change the course of your day.

When you first wake up, it is best to keep yourself and the agenda for your day as a priority.

Ok great, so we know it is better to keep our phones out of the way at night but how can we do this practically? The best way is to get an alarm clock because the only necessity that we need for our phones at night is to ensure it wakes us up and of course, to occasionally check the time when we're half asleep.

An alarm clock is a great way to make this a reality. Also, an additional tip is to ensure that you are waking up daily (ideally yes you wake up in the morning) but ensure that you wake up at similar times daily and enforce a solid routine. This will after some time become second nature.

I have found an amazing alarm clock that is perfect for you! This alarm clock is also a speaker and a phone charger, you can charge it wirelessly just by placing it on top. Now ideally you would leave your phone out of the room at night however even just not relying on it as an alarm clock and being the first thing you use in the morning can be an amazing step in the right direction for you!


2. Drink Water

morning routine

Staying hydrated is always key to keeping our bodies in optimal health, it is also quite obvious why drinking plenty of water would help with how productive we are because without it, we get headaches and all sorts of distracting symptoms.

This millionaire routine includes drinking water first thing because it flushes out the stomach and hydrates us after not having a drink for a long period during the night.

Drinking a tall glass of water first thing will make rehydrate your body and also wake you up.

We could go on and on about why drinking water will benefit you and the productivity in your day however it will be beneficial for you to just remember to drink plenty. Now, this seems like common sense and yes you would be right however we are all guilty of often forgetting or getting swept up with the day forgetting.

Having a water bottle that you make a habit of filling up every morning for the day and then taking it out with you can be so practical. This way ensures that you can keep some idea of how much you are drinking.

3. Meditate 

 Meditation has been shown to help reduce stress and promote focus and concentration. If you're not used to meditating, start with just a few minutes each morning. Sit quietly and focus on your breath. Once you get the hang of it, you can increase the length of time you meditate each day.

Meditation can take your mind to a whole new place and allows you to have the freedom to mentally create a whole new life. 

Meditation is something that many people who have accomplished greatness have practiced and expressed how much it has affected their lives in a positive way including the one and only 'Oprah Winthrey'. 

Meditating, the best part is it is something you can do for free! You don't need any equipment or specific things to start. Finding a guided meditation on youtube is quite easy and quite personal, you will probably have to do trial and error and see how you find different ones until you land on one you like.

4. Write Down Your Gratitudes 

millionaire morning routine

 A great way to start your day off on the right foot is to write down a few things you're grateful for. This could be anything from your health to your family to your job. Focusing on the positive things in your life will help you have a more positive outlook on the day.

Gratitude is EVERYTHING, you will love this morning routine task and it quite literally transforms your life. Now if you don't know the impact of practicing gratitude you must read 'the secret the magic'. This book explains how practicing gratitude can and will completely change your mindset and perspective on everyday situations. 

You should aim to write down ten gratitudes every single morning and you will write them in the format of. ' I am grateful for ....( the thing, person, situation) because ....       (the reason why ) and follow up with the words 'thank you thank you

Expressing gratitude at the end by saying thank you multiple times is a way to solidify the practice of saying thank you is something you say when something great or nice has been given to you in some form and this is no different. 

Now the interesting part of the gratitude exercises is that you can write 5 things you are grateful for that you actually have already in your life and you can also use this time to write things that you are grateful for that you aspire to have in your life. e.g if I wanted a new job. I would use this exercise to express gratitude for the new job I have coming my way. 

In life you have to align yourself mentally with what you want, this practice allows you to mentally believe that this is all possible and in time, you will recognize opportunities and steps to take to get to the desired outcome. 

Writing down gratitudes is not a hippy-dippy task and can often make you feel quite silly AT FIRST. This practice is even recommended by the likes of motivational life coach Tony Robbins and much more practice. 

Having a gratitude journal can make all the difference as it is something you are reaching for daily. You will want to have a private journal-style notebook that you can write down daily. 

I have found these exact ones that I use and after trying many would recommend them, This is quite basic, affordable, and has a lot more writing space than most of the other guided template style gratitude journals available on the market. 

You can choose the color and this will last you a while!.  

5. Plan Out Your Day

millionaire morning routine

Before you start your day, take a few minutes to plan out what you need to accomplish. This will help you stay focused and on track throughout the day. Make sure to include both work tasks and personal errands so you don't get overwhelmed.

A great thing that can help with this is organizing your time with a google calendar. Planning when you have the time to do certain tasks can make you so much more productive. This is because we all have a long list of things we need to do and things we say we will complete however without scheduling an actual time that we will complete these tasks, it is more likely that we won't be able to complete them. 

This doesn't cost you anything, you can get this going with a google calendar, or if you prefer a written one you are more than welcome to do that. I would say that the benefit of having a google calendar is that you can update it easily and always have access to it on your phone and other devices.

I came across a great youtube video where this YouTuber walks you through each step to create your perfect google calender my goodness does this change your life? You will love it and will be well on your way to having a more productive morning, day and life!

Here is the link and you are welcome in advance! : A guide to creating your own google calender

6. Execersie 

Millionaire morning routine


Exercise is a great way to boost energy levels and move your body. Even just a short workout can make a big difference in how productive you are during the day. If you don't have time for a full workout, try doing some simple exercises at home or going for a brisk walk around the block.

These days you can have a workout in the house, and getting your workout done first thing in the morning can make all the difference to your concentration throughout the day. Firstly it's one less thing to think about on your list of things to do and also it can get your geared up ad lively for the morning. 

I have found some really good, affordable indoor home gym equipment that can get you started on your morning workouts. You have no issue! 

Those that have gym memberships can work out in the gym but it is always good to have a few workout bits in the house, especially after what we all experienced with the lockdown, a lot of the gym equipment sold out.

7. Powerful Breakfast (Smoothies with antioxdiants and Vitamins)

millionaire morning routine

Eating a nutritious breakfast is essential for fueling your body and mind for the day. A great way to start your morning is with a smoothie packed full of antioxidants and vitamins. This will give you sustained energy throughout the day and help you stay focused and alert.

There are countless things you can add to your smoothie to make it nutritious such as chia seeds, flax seeds (full of plant-based protein), and a range of great healthy plant-based milk.

Having a blender is one of the best investments you can ever make in your kitchen because it boosts your health and saves you so much time. Being able to just make a nutritious breakfast and drink it on the go is amazing!

Having a decent blender is important because it can last you a very long time the Nutri bullet blender is a high-powered blender and very affordable. This blender is great and you will love how well it can blend even very tough ingredients. I have also added some ingredients below that are great for smoothies and will keep your gut happy.

Happy Gut Happy Life


Implementing even just a few of these millionaire morning routines can help you see a significant increase in your productivity. So what are you waiting for? Start making some changes today!

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